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Cyber criminals are experts at gaining access to data. Prevent a data breach with these steps.

Data Breach and Security: 5 Steps for Better Protection

Companies of all sizes and industries are vulnerable to a data breach, and there are many channels through which cyber criminals can work. You don’t have to be a sitting duck; by identifying risks and implementing the right technology and/or managed services, you can prevent your company from becoming a statistic.

One of the easiest ways for hackers to get into a network is to simply sound out emails with malicious links in them. These phishing scams, despite being discussed thoroughly, are still successful because users get duped into opening suspicious links. Managing these risks is as easy as implanting educational programming that warns users of the telltale signs of a phishing scam.

But not all data breach attempts are as easy to prevent. User error is a fallacy of the ignorant, but even the most tech-minded can make mistakes. For example, misconfiguring assets is a technical negligence scenario that can grant access to cyber criminals, which leads to a data breach. Making sure all anti-virus solutions are updated can help prevent these breaches, but care must also be taken in configuring firewalls and installing intrusion detection systems.

The list of attacks so far in 2023 has been significant, but that doesn’t mean you have to play a reactionary role. You can do your part to be proactive and prevent breaches from occurring at your organization.

5 Tips for Better Protection

Ensuring that your users are educated and your IT staff is on top of updates and properly configuring assets are both important aspects of preventing breaches, but consider the following cyber security tips:

  1. Investigate new and robust endpoint security solutions
  2. Make users accountable for their online actions
  3. Enhance firewall security
  4. Prioritize cyber security in your overall business continuity strategy
  5. Partner with an expert on security solutions

Knowing all the latest enhancements in cyber security and data breach protection solutions is only one part of what an internal IT team does. This means they may lack the necessary time to invest in protecting your data. Outsourcing assistance can be of great value, especially in today’s climate where cyber criminals seem to always have the upper hand. You need seasoned experts on your side to evaluate your workflow and match technology to your unique needs.

When you partner with Safari Solutions, you get an expert that knows how to choose technology that works for you. Our team of technology advisors is committed to our clients, enabling them to move forward with their projects. Our advisory services are a perfect match for companies looking to prevent a data breach from impacting their day-to-day activities. Contact us and learn more about our cyber security strategies.


Sports Production Services
Safari’s work at All-Star game was terrific. Our client had a last-minute ask that my team was not aware of until the day a representative arrived on site. Their techs didn’t have a solid plan on what their needs were but Safari’s complete knowledge of networks and sharp inquiries into what our client was trying to do literally saved the day in getting their project off the ground. They could NOT have pulled off what they needed without Safari’s involvement.
A large event operations team
I wanted to reach out and say thanks to you and the entire team for the hard work and assistance in making our tournament a success. There is a comfort in knowing the staff is extremely knowledgeable and efficient at solving issues and providing customer service when those challenges arise. We also appreciate you all having our best interests in mind when determining what services we will have in place throughout the property.
A global sports magazine
I travel to sporting events, especially golf tournaments, often. Critical to my daily operation is stable and quick connectivity as I'm constantly transmitting large volumes of images. I know that when I'm working with the Safari Team I've got nothing to worry about. Their systems always work and the set-up and connection are simple. I would highly recommend Safari Events to any vendor in need of voice and data services
Fortune 500 Company
This event provides a unique challenge to us with the venue moving to a new location each year. I know that when I show up at the trailer that things are going to be ready. I really appreciate that you purchased additional equipment for your inventory as part of my backup plans and risk mitigations. The Safari Team is very professional, responsive, and committed to quality for flawless delivery of the event. Thank you!
An international sports broadcast network
I just wanted to put on record my thanks for your help. The connectivity you always provide is the best we get at any tournament worldwide and is always stable. When we had a minor problem this year, you kindly changed things for us several times until, with your help, I was able to identify that it was actually a problem at our base back home! Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to do that. Many thanks, See you next time!
A regional telecommunications communications company
It was nice working with your company on this event. I would like to thank you and your crew for all the teamwork. Your guys were great at helping us decide how to build our system for this event. They have great knowledge of how to get it done. Jim and I were always treated like part of the team.
A Connecticut based Non Profit Organization
Thank you again for all of your time and efforts! It was another great event and Safari plays a big part in that! If there is any type of survey or post-event review I can fill out to speak to the fantastic service, I am more than happy to do so. I look forward to working together in the future
Multi-Location consumer product company
My Safari team was awesome and really went above and beyond. I just got off the phone with them now after they fixed my issue. They certainly didn’t have to stay after 5 pm to help me but did so. I just wanted to let you know your team is a great asset!
Large Event Organization
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your dedication and hard work for. It is amazing to have you on our team advocating for us. I have so much trust that you are always looking out for our best interest.
CTO, Industry Association
We appreciate your team and how valuable they have been in handling both our immediate needs and our long term initiatives. Including the great work they did in helping us save over $100K by renegotiating an incorrectly renewed contract. We are happy customers which is a tribute to the team.
COO - Regional Bank
Safari played a significant role in the upgrade of our telecommunications to VOIP and, not only was it a smooth transition, They became the proverbial member of the family because of our reliance upon her.

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