Before the pandemic, companies were already on a trajectory toward digital transformation. The Internet of Things (IoT) was making every device smart or smarter, and every industry, from healthcare to manufacturing, was gaining productivity advancements through these and other digital technologies. Today, the flood of mobile, cloud, and IoT technology makes mobile device management solutions a critical component of a successful digital transformation.
According to a survey by NCCI, the pre-pandemic workforce rarely utilized remote work opportunities. The findings show that only 6% of workers primarily operated out of their homes, and approximately 75% had never worked from home. By May 2020, a third of the workforce was out of their homes.
With IoT and cloud technology already complicating device and security management tasks, an influx of remote workers using mobile devices for everyday business processes created a challenging situation for IT teams. The transition was easier to navigate for those already operating a mobile device management solution, often referred to as an MDM. There are three key areas where mobile device management equips companies for the current remote and hybrid work environment:
Device Management: The core purpose is, of course, device management, allowing IT teams to apply broad usage and security policies and measures. It also equips them to manage compliance issues, the device’s performance demands, and the solutions it accessed.
Better Control: As companies moved to remote work, the importance of better mobile device management was highlighted. They were equipped to provision devices with an out-of-the-box approach, able to identify security vulnerabilities and apply patches. They could also streamline the use of VPNs to access corporate assets while eliminating security risks associated with remote work, as employees may be connecting via shared, unknown, or public networks.
Managing BYOD: There are many benefits to employing a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) program. However, this survey by Dell demonstrates the frustration that can occur when companies attempt to use their own mobile devices: 61% of Gen Y respondents said their personal tech tools were more productive and effective than those they utilized at work.
A BYOD program comes with challenges, such as trying to keep threats from personal apps from accessing the corporate network and ensuring that the devices have the appropriate security protections. But many companies find that with the right mobile device management tools, the benefits of BYOD far outweigh the challenges.
If your company is considering how to rein in your device challenges, the right mobile device management solution could likely solve multiple problems around security, inventory management, and more. At Safari Solutions, we strive to help you accurately assess your needs and leverage the best technology that fits your overall environment. Contact us to get started.